Here I go. Already I've messed up.
My first blog entry refuses to come
out of the draft stage.

I'll quickly tell you what that first
carefully pondered post was all about
I'm scared of yapping on this blog,
scared of messing up and letting you
know how totally uninteresting I
can be.

On the other hand, I'm terribly
excited about sharing with you
the adventures of this journey
as I get my first book published.

Yes, I am going to be a novelist!
And I am going to meander down
the various trails of writing,
publishing and promotion.

I'll also, no doubt, meander off on
various other trails.

Talk to you soon. And thanks for



Gabriele Goldstone said...

Okay, so I've learned something
already. If you don't have a google
account, you can't post a comment.
Mmm. Interesting glitch.

Courtney said...

I think you can also comment with a blogger account, whatever that is. But congratulations on starting the blog!

Marissa Doyle said...

Welcome to the blog world, Gabe. I'm not too far ahead of you on this path...but have fun with it, and congratulations!

Barrie said...

Hi Gabe! Welcome to the world of blogging. Love your page layout!! Come visit me. :)

Jenny Meyerhoff said...

Hi Gabe-
Welcome to blogging! I love that photo. Makes me want to wander off with you.
Have fun blogging and stop by the purpledesk for a visit sometime. (That's my blog.)

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