Now Reading

Last night I finished off Greg Fishbone's first book, Septina Nash and the Penquins of Doom. His baby daughter is going to have a most delightful, crazy, insane, childhood. From Miss Snoqualmie, the math teacher, to Lieutenant Morse, the RCMP constable, the book travels all over the place (and I'm not just speaking geographically).

It's a fun book - and I admit - I'm not used to reading 'fun' books. I'm used to reading heavy, sad books full of deep insights and character development. This took me a bit to get into - serious adult that I am - but I'm sure a grade five kid - most likely a boy - would gobble this up. And I loved the drawings!

But now I'm back to the heavy stuff ... The Whisperers by Orlando Figes ... seven hundred pages of Soviet terror. I'm halfway through it and will need some more fiction to break it up. Ilse Koehn's Mischling, Second Degree was recommended to me. It was published back in 1977, but I've managed to get a used copy and will dig into another serious, heavy piece of historical fiction. Variety is the spice of life.

Having a pile of books beside my bed waiting to be read, feels as good as money in the bank. It promises a future filled with great travel, new friends and constant adventure.

1 comment:

Dorene Meyer said...

Hi Gabriele,
Rae Bridgman suggested your name for a project that I'm working on of Manitoba children's authors.
Could you please email me at:

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