May L...o...n...g Weekend!

This spring has been slow in coming but now that it's knocking, it would be rude of me to ignore this dearly anticipated season. The birds are singing their little hearts out and the tree buds are threatening to burst. I too, am thrilled by the magic of it all. So sitting at this computer seems wrong. There are weeds to defeat, grasses to mend, soil to get dirty with and sweet air to breathe. I have to check on the lilac buds, on the new shoots from last year perennials, and smile at the tenacity of my beloved dandelions.

However, I'll continue to read - only now it's in my garden - (okay, or at the side of a field during a soccer practice). I posted a review about Margaret Hume's book, Just Mary - The Life of Mary Evelyn Grannan - over at Amazon. It's a book about a forties/fifties CBC radio and TV pioneer in children's entertainment. Very interesting stuff. We've come a long way, Virginia!

I've also just finished Flames of the Tiger by John Wilson (Kids Can Press, 2003). I'm trying to read more of the German kids' points of view during the Nazi times. There's still only a handful. This book is set in Berlin and gives good detail about daily life and of some of the attitudes average Germans had towards the war.

Its dedication reads, "For all the victims of the Nazis: those who were damaged in spirit as well as in body." Books like these are necessary for us to TRY and understand.


Barrie said...

Mary Grannan was a friend of my dad's. We even have signed copies of her books. My dad directed The Maggie Muggins Show for CBC. Oh my gosh. The memories. I wonder if it's possible to get hold of some of those shows...

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Really? I can try to ask the author (indirectly) - she's a cousin of one of my customers. And your DAD directed the Muggins show??? Wow, what a coincidence! Can I ask what your dad's name was?

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Barrie - I've got the author's email - if you want - I can contact her.

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