Launch of AuthorsNow!

Cynthea Liu is superwoman.  I'm not sure where in the world she lives -(methinks, maybe Chicago?), but in this strange new world of the internet she lives at

And I'm thrilled to be able to share that web address with dozens of other 2009 debut novelists. It's a place to connect with books, authors, and readers. 

As a class of 2k8 dropout (because of a change in my release date) I know that there are many benefits of collective marketing and the internet makes it so easy.

Because I'm a luddite when it comes to computer stuff, I feel so fortunate to have connected with the creator of Author's Now!  Thank you, Cynthea, for letting me particpate.

So please click on and find out who's publishing what, where, and when.
(Including, of course, The Kulak's Daughter.)


Barrie said...

It's almost your turn! I can't wait! And I must have a signed copy, Gabe. We'll have to figure out a way to do that.

Ellen Booraem said...

Almost 2009, Gabe! I can't wait to see your book after waiting so long.

AuthorsNow seems like a great idea. Seems to me the blog was about the most effective thing 2k8 did...this takes it a step or two further.

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Barrie I need a signed copy from you, too.
How does that work?

Gabriele Goldstone said...

I've just finished your book - and will be recommending it -super story!

And the ideaof class marketing is being copied and isn't that the greatest form of flattery?

Thanks for visiting.

Gabriele Goldstone said...

I've just finished your book - and will be recommending it -super story!

And the ideaof class marketing is being copied and isn't that the greatest form of flattery?

Thanks for visiting.

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