bad news, bad timing


merry christmas/frohe weihnachten

time for reading

what a week

i don't quite believe this

Ursula Mahlendorf

Math Truth



Halloween Setting

Moving on...

Yaya, Siberia


Sharing computers

Stalin-era research seen as a threat in Russia

Names of people changed, too!

More Name Changes.

New launch date

Naming and Re-naming


Good bye Prairie Horizons 2009


Anita Daher

Linda Aksomitis

Hazel Hutchins

Prairie Horizons Conference
We had, in total, 7 presenters sharing with us how they approach the beanstalk to achieve creative success. Before I tell you about them - let me first mention the obvious - they had to believe in that beanstalk before they could climb it. That was the neatest part about this weekend gathering in Lumsden - we were all there because we believed in the magic of words and images. And there's just something so empowering in hanging out with people who think like you ... and people who've faced some of the same frustrations and joys.

Climbing the Beanstalk

Eating crow

Book Trailer (tweaked!)


Nursing homes

Margarete Buber-Neumann

Anne Laurel Carter

Finding my inner dog

1945 rapings


Marilyn French

Folk Fest

Book Cover

Happy Canada Day!

Jonathan Brent

Reading "Inside the Stalin Archives" (but outside)

Scent of lilacs

Robert Harris's Fatherland

Colleen Sydor

Victory Day


Prairie Horizons Conference

Red Cross WWI records

More Historical Fiction Favorites

Book Forest

Historical Fiction
As a child of immigrants, I couldn’t find my family’s story in the Dick and Jane
books we had to read in elementary school. But I kept looking: first as a university student, then as a mother, and later as a writer. Turned out, I had to write my own. But the journey – the search, and the re-search - was a trip well worth taking.
Lois Lowry’s book Number the Stars (Newbery Award, 1990) opened my eyes to the power of historical fiction for young people. And once opened, my eyes couldn’t get enough. Here are some of my more recent favorites.
John Wilson’s Flames of the Tiger (Kids Can Press, 2003). World War II is seen through a German boy’s eyes during the final days in Berlin.
Kit Pearson’s The Sky is Falling, Looking at the Moon, and The Lights Go On Again (Penquin Books) This is a great trilogy about English war guests in Canada during the war.
Leslie Wilson’s Last Train From Kummersdorf (Faber and Faber, 2003). Here children are fleeing the Russians in the chaos of 1945.
Ilse Koehn’s Mischling, Second Degree (re-released by Puffin Books, 1990). This book is a survivor’s story about growing up in a Nazi country.
My hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba welcomed many post-war European immigrants. Some became writers. Eva Wiseman wrote several books about her background as a child in communist Hungary. Her books include My Canary Yellow Star, which was on the New York Library Best Books list. A more recent book, Kanada, (Tundra Books, 2006) was a finalist for Canada’s Governor General’s Literary Award. And I’ve just bought her newest book, Puppet, which I can’t wait to read. It’s set in Hungary in 1882 and deals with a less known time of conflict between Christians and Jews.
Kathy Kacer is a Canadian who also writes historical fiction based on family. Her book, The Secret of Gabi’s Dresser (Second Story Press, 1999) is set in Czechoslovakia.
Another local author who’s a must-read is the prolific Carol Matas. Lisa (1987) and Jesper (1989) are two books that deal with the Danish resistance during WWII.
Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch lives in Ontario. She’s written about the Armenian Genocide in books like Aram’s Choice and Daughter of War. Kobzar’s Childrenis a young adult collection of stories that she edited. It shares the voices of unheard Ukrainians. Enough (Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2000 with Michael Martchenko as the illustrator) is a picture book about the Holodomor – death by hunger during the 1932 famine in what today is again Ukraine. Viktor Yushchenko - the current president of Ukraine – has awarded her his country's highest honor.
Barbara Smucker’s book, Days of Terror, (Puffin, 1981) deals with the years immediately after the 1917 Russian Revolution. It’s about the tense and violent period just before the setting of my own fall-release book, The Kulak’s Daughter.
I could go on. These books are but a sampling of what's available. Good books, good stories, good histories. Considering our countries are filled with people who come from foreign lands because of war, persecution, homelessness, and economics, it’s no wonder authors continue to write their family’s his- stories. They’re our-stories. The days of Dick and Jane are long over.
So, what's your favorite historical fiction book? What's your-story?

Plotting or just plodding?

Signs of spring in Winnipeg

The Unknown Gulag by Lynne Viola

Focus on the Positive

Bull Rider

I especially like reading books by people I've met - either for real, (of course, that's the best), or through the internet- (which is becoming a great substitute).

Time management

about time

Chetnia: Readings from Russia

Happy 90, Mom!
Every life is a story and each starts the same way. Once upon a time a baby was born. Today, ninety years ago, my mother was born. Here's nine decades at a glance.
1989 Elsie's a 70 year old grandma. She crochets, chats, and travels - enjoying the golden years of retirement with the added pleasure of
2009 Now Elsie is 90 years old and yet another adventure begins. She has a new home in a nursing care facility - for now, here at Tuxedo Villa. Arthritis and osteoporosis have crippled her body, but her mind is still clear and she struggles to come to terms with her physical limitations.

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