
I helped my mom move into a nursing home last week. Big adjustment. Seeing so many helpless old people in one place is mind-boggling. There is such a connection between young and helpless and old and helpless. But there's also a big difference. Us. Or, should I say, me. I loved my babies and I had no trouble looking after all their little physical needs. I can't say the same about the old. I don't want to help with baths and washroom trips. I don't!

But I do want to see the child in their eyes and to hear their stories. That I can do.

Today I get to start the packing process. My mom's apartment has to be emptied. Try and imagine having your kids go through your stuff and decide what's worth keeping and what's for the local charity or even the trash. Yeah. I wonder what my kids would keep. Hopefully, my books.

Question: what would you want your kids to keep to remind them of you?


Veronica Leigh said...

I know what you're going through. We had to do the same for both of my grandmothers when they went to the nursing home. I felt as though I was invading their privacy or pilfering through their belongings. But that's just me.

Gabriele Goldstone said...

HI Veronica,
Yes, and I'm finding important stuff (well, for a writerly mind) in between pure junk. So I have to tread slow.
Thanks for visiting.

Gabriele Goldstone said...

HI Veronica,
Yes, and I'm finding important stuff (well, for a writerly mind) in between pure junk. So I have to tread slow.
Thanks for visiting.

Twenty Four At Heart said...

Wow that must be so hard. I know it's an experience that's not too far in the future for me too.

Stacy Nyikos said...

Man, I feel for you. That's hard. I'm not sure what my kids would keep from me. Random, little things, I think. Already, the things they keep are as far as face value goes, worthless. Hearts I made and put in their lunchboxes that say, "I love you." The rest is just stuff to them.

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