My publisher, Bloooming Tree Press, down in Austin, Texas is small and the publishing world is so very big. I guess I just have to learn patience. Hard to do sometimes. But like I tell my dear old mom in the nursing home, you must focus on the positive.
I see that Anita Daher's book, Spider's Song, has been nominated, in the Books for Young People category, for a Manitoba Book of the Year Award. That's positive news, for sure! Congrats and fingers crossed for her. She's been a wonderful mentor to emerging writers like me and Spider's Song is a book that tackles difficult teen issues with sensitivity and warmth.
And another positive thing ... which actually makes me feel a bit self-

conscious, but ... the warm and friendly super-blogger and author of the fun and spirited, I So Don't Do Mysteries, Barrie Summy, gave my little ole blog a little nomination, which I will wear with pride. I'm a bit slow, here, Barrie, but super thanks.
Sorry that your book's release was pushed back. I'm looking forward to reading it. Do you know the month it's to be published?
I am SO glad to hear you have a pub date!! I will make sure my B&N orders it in.
Hang in there Gabe. The book will come out. It has to. It's too good not to!
Hi - thanks so much for stopping by and for the warm wishes. I'm still not sure of an exact date ... but sensing early September. I definitely will post once I know for certain.
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