Anne Laurel Carter

The current CANSCAIP News Issue - Summer, 2009 did a feature interview with Anne Laurel Carter. Her most recent book is The Shepherd's Granddaughter. The article was an insightful profile of an author who has worked very hard to achieve success.

I'd like to quote her. The quote refers to her subject matters and why she writes: "(about)...people who are silenced, the story not told, stories that have been appropriated by people in power. We cannot move on in history unless a story is told honestly."

I must read her books.


Barrie said...

That's a fantastic quotation. And, Gabe, I would love it if you could make it down here to the SCBWI national conference next year. We could be roomies! Or even invite me to something in Manitoba (it's one of my goals to get to your province) and maybe we can be on a panel or something together. Better yet, let's do both! We have to hang out together!

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Barrie - I'd love to! We'll figure something out. :)

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