this is bad news for me because i'll probably never see any of the money they owe me. my debut novel was launched there and was even on their pre-Christmas bestseller list for 2 weeks. as an unsecured creditor i'll be at the very bottom of their debt list. nobody ever goes into writing to make money - but i sure lost money now.
bad news, bad timing
in keeping with the general trend of my life - the wonderful independent bookseller, mcnally robinson, (canada's largest indie) has filed for bankruptcy protection. see more detailed story here (for the Toronto story) and here (for the local Winnipeg version).

It appears that someone (inadvertently) slipped a name into the historical note appendage that shouldn't be there. The boy of the story who dies too young as a soldier is Olga's little brother, Albert, and not Sasha. Albert is the boy in the photograph on the back cover of The Kulak's Daughter. He was a real person. Sasha is an imaginary boy. I hope this clears up any confusion.

merry christmas/frohe weihnachten
recipe for a merry christmas/frohe weihnachten
evergreen tree
liberal sprinkles of red and green
colorfully wrapped secret packages
plates of sugar cookies
mandarin oranges
photogenic golden lab (optional)
fluffy black cat (also optional)
children (or reasonable fascimile)
sentimental xmas music
generous spoonfuls of love, tolerance, and hope
mix together.
put into a home.
tastes best if shared liberally.

time for reading
it's the second week the kulak's daughter gets to be noticed on the local bestseller list. slipped to 3rd place, though, thanks to neil gaiman's trip through the city. that's okay, i'm thrilled just to have it noticed at all. (this can't & won't last, though - first, because of supply issues, and secondly, because it's historical fiction and kind of depressing).
i've read some amazingly good books lately (see my reading list) which both humble me and make me again realize the power of books. i've been forced into a more couch-centered lifestyle while my wrist mends. we're such a busy world - reading books can seem so unimportant, so disconnected from life. why can't we give books and reading more time, more power, more prestige? while i don't wish anyone a broken bone, i wish all of you time to indulge in good books!
good books

what a week
the last 2 weeks have been kind of surreal. no write/right hand, my first-ever novel arrives, i have a most wonderful launch event, go in for wrist surgery, and now as i wean myself off the painkillers, i discover that i'm on this week's McNally Robinson/Winnipeg Free Press bestseller list (for kids' books). so what if it's -45 with the windchill tonight? i am pumped!
oh, and i know it's only for this one week - but, i shall enjoy. not only that but i've rediscovered how wonderful friends can be.
best seller - this week at least

i don't quite believe this
my downfall came on dec.1st with the first light flakes of the season. i'm a letter carrier, but there'll be no december rush or january deep chill for me this year. the cruel irony is - with a broken right wrist - i'm unable to hold a pen and i have my long anticipated book launch & signing next week. i'll be going from a tuesday night launch, to a wednesday morning surgery. hmm ... must be creative and find some way to sign books.
i'll have to be creative with a few other things, too ... like buttering toast & wrapping gifts
meanwhile, i'm eagerly anticipating a special delivery ... my book!
broken wrist

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