
Just finished reading Life and Death in the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche. It's the kind of book that reads like a horror story - only it's true. So I've been thinking about Hitler and Stalin - these monsters who got to have so much lethal power in the last century. Short and succinct article was posted in The Economist back in '99. Read it here.

My mom lived in both worlds and this has warped her world view. She's 'politically incorrect' about a few things. But I listen and try to understand where she's coming from. Fritzsche's book discusses how much the average German citizen knew about the 'final solution.'

We have to study history and we have to look in mirrors. But I'm sure looking forward to reading something happy for a change. Maybe I'll read the seed catalogue - that's always so refreshing in the dead of winter.


Barrie said...

I just finished Nothing to Envy, a book about North Korea. Sounds a lot like what you're talking about with your mother and how politics has shaped her life.

I actually read recipe books from time to time.

Loretta said...

I can totally sympathize, Gabe! I'm currently researching the dark time in Ukraine and Russia, at the turn of the last century. It's quite horrifying. I'm also learning about Stalin and feel rather ill. There truly are horrific and cruel and wicked evil people in the world, but there are also such kind and sweet people too! I can hardly wait to finish my research, so I can read something brighter. But this feels like a think I must complete. I posted a bit about you and your book on my blog. Your book looks so interesting!

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