Lumsden, CANSCAIP & Shane Peacock

Back from the CANSCAIP conference in Lumsden and I'm ready to continue tackling the challenging (yes!) career of being a children's author. There was so much inspiration at the retreat that I feel quite empowered. The Saskatchewan hospitality was as warm and genuine as ever.

I met many wonderful people and came home with a bundle of books that I can't wait to read.
I'll review them here over the next six weeks or so (and continue to share, as I process the workshops' info.)

I'm focusing on Shane Peacock's Boy Sherlock series at the moment. Shane was the keynote speaker at the conference and he shared with us his slow start, but then determined road to success. He credits Robertson Davies (one of his U of T instructors) as the connection who helped open doors to the publishing world. It's always good to get that one link, isn't it?
For me, I think it was Miriam Toews. And while she didn't get me a contract, she helped me along, and for her confidence in me, I'll always be grateful.

I got to sit next to Shane at lunch on Sunday. Our whole table was delighted with his presence. One nugget I learned from him that I'll share here is: decide what your book is about in one word. ONE word! It's a simple enough challenge.

Anyway. Back to the books.


Jodi Carmichael said...

So...what is your one word to describe Kulak's Daughter?

Jodi Carmichael said...

So...what is your one word to describe Kulak's Daughter?

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Survival, maybe?
Or adaptation?
Or hope?

One of those three. Maybe there's a better
word that encompasses all three.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back and thanks for sharing! word, ONE? Oh. my.

I would second hope for Kulak's Daughter...or , human spirt< oh. right. one word. Determination..

Gabriele Goldstone said...

Thanks, Deb. Determination would work. :)

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