Curious Breadcrumbs

CBC radio is always on in our kitchen. The other day I was passing through, but stayed to do dishes because an interview on the program 'q' with Shad caught my attention. Turns out it was a re-broadcast of an interview with Elizabeth Gilbert about her new book, Big Magic. She was gushing all inspirational, as is her style. Yes, I did read Eat, Pray, Love, but I wasn't in a big hurry to read Big Magic. Yet as I lingered and washed my son's plastic drink bottles (that I usually avoid!) I connected with her ideas. I do believe that we are all meant to be creators. Dis-ease, unhappiness and stress happens when we are not creating. I like how she said we should follow not our passion, but our curiosity, and that curiosity is like a trail of breadcrumbs leading to discovery.

I googled and found a quote she refers to by St. Thomas. “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you don’t bring forth what is within you, what you don’t bring forth will destroy you.”  She calls the term "creative person" redundant and I agree. 

So, interview over, bottles washed, I poured myself a mug of green tea and returned to my own trail of breadcrumbs—following Katya to the brink of the Second World War. I'm curious!

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