Candle Power

Related imageAs a child, the anticipation of Christmas was helped along with the lighting of Advent candles. Each Sunday morning during December another red or white candle would be lit on the gleaming brass angel carousel and the angels would flutter.  If I was gentle and didn't unbalance the whole thing, I could force them to tinkle with my fingers. Not until the fourth candle was lit, when Christmas was oh, so close, did the flames finally move the angels onward, in their circular dance. And with the dance came the quiet tinkling that spelled Christmas to my eager ears. What an amazing way to create power. No wind, solar, or electrical source can match the magic power of candle light.

As the carousel played, we'd sing, Kling Glöckchen,Kling-a-ling-a-ling.
It boggles the mind that a country with such beautiful Christmas music birthed the Nazis and the Second World War. Like this little carousel, peace is so easily unbalanced. 

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