Mom, I'm bored?

Summer is about escape from routine. It's about exploring new worlds. It's about being lazy. How can you do all three at the same time? Read a book! And then read another one. And another. Whether you're swaying on a hammock in the dappled shade; smelling like coconut oil on a sandy beach; drifting nowhere on a rubber dinghy; or hiding in a veranda on a rainy day....a book makes summer so much better. 

Mom, I'm bored? Never, not when they've discovered the power of books. 

My publisher, Rebelight, has a summer reading program which  encourages young readers to explore local writers. I'd like to extend the challenge to adults, too.  Read what your kids read and travel with them to these exotic worlds that come alive without pictures, without technology, without anything but mind power. Engage in conversations about what they read, and then review the books like a critic. 

Along with the muscles that grow through biking, hiking and swimming, there are the muscles that grow through's called imagination. 

Summer's here and the living's easy. Page after page after page. 

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