Pre-TV and internet made newspapers a primary vehicle to control
information in the 1930s.
Propaganda Minister Goebbels had to make sure there were no
contradictions…all news had to give the same message.

There were several national Nazi-approved newspapers—all
blatantly anti-semitic and anti-communist. The most well-known was the “Völkische
Beobachter,” which began as a weekly in 1920 in Munich. In 1923, when Alfred Rosenberg took over as
editor, it became a daily morning paper. Readership, however, dropped steadily
in the 1930s.
Another, less well-known Nazi newspaper, “Der Angriff” had a
daily afternoon edition published in Berlin, with Goebbels as editor. He also published a weekly paper called, “Das
Reich,” which appealed to intellectuals and had a steadily increasing
readership. Its tone was much more subdued than other Nazi papers.
Germany’s business paper, “Boersen Zeitung,” was run by a
Nazi sympathizer, Walter Funk.
Hitler’s favorite newspaper was a tabloid published by
Julius Streicher. “Der Stürmer” was graphic, lewd and appealed to the
uneducated. Displayed in newspaper cases where anyone could read it, only increased
its popularity. The paper was banned by the Hitler Jugend because of its
sexually explicit content. Some Nazi
elite (like Göring and Goebbels) hated it, while others (like Himmler and
Hitler himself) loved its crassness.
The SS had their own paper, “Das Schwarze Korps” which was
free to SS members and came out every Wednesday. Not only was it anti-semitic
and anti-communist, it was also anti-Catholic. A morale-booster for the SS, it
supported the war effort and worshipped Hitler.
Thousands of smaller, regional newspapers were published and
Goebbels’ office censored all their content. Editors quickly learned to publish
only content that the Nazis would approve.
As the war went on, severe paper shortages forced German newspapers
to shrink to a mere two pages by 1945.
A Berlin tabloid, “Der Panzerbär,” was published seven times
during the last week of April, 1945. It was a final desperate propaganda attempt
to keep spirits up in the fight against the Soviet Army as they destroyed
Berlin…and thus, the heart of the Third Reich.
It’s been such a thrill researching the history as I wrote
and rewrote Amber Stone, my third book in the series, Katya’s Stones. The
research is akin to an iceberg. You see only the tip, but beneath there is a
mountain of ice. I’ve read dozens and dozens of books trying to understand
Katya’s world…a dangerous, but fascinating place.
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