
Every day is a special day for somebody or something.  Did you know that today is World Hello Day?  New to me but I like the concept. Supposedly it’s to highlight peace through conversation rather than through violence. Rather relevant to our current turbulent times. 

Hiking in the Bavarian mountains with
a Grüß Gott echoing in my ears
How to celebrate? It’s suggested we say hello to at least ten people today. Sounds simple enough. Through the course of a day, I often have a string of errands to run and a variety of people with whom to interact. Usually saying hello seems natural but there are times it feels forced … especially if it’s not intended as a preamble to further interaction. Strangers on our Manitoba streets aren’t prepared for random ‘hellos.’

I got used to strange hellos when I worked in Europe a long time ago. Walking about in between shifts as a serving person in a Bavarian mountain town, I’d be greeted with a ‘grüß Gott’.  It literally means ‘greet God’ and its intended to say, ‘if you happen to see God before I do, then say hello for me, ie. put a good word in for me.’ 

So hello, bonjour, Guten Tag, hola, ciao, waciye, and Grüß Gott.  Maybe world peace needs us all just to say hello to each other. To not be invisible to each other, but to see each other as fellow travellers and then keep going along our merry way.  Wouldn't we all feel a little better with a cheery hello directed at us? Have a nice day! 

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