Happy Holidays to my Amazing Writing Group

Looking forward to a lively, in-person, holiday celebration with my writers’ group next week. We’ve been meeting mostly online since the pandemic and I know we’re all craving an in-person event. We’re going to eat, drink and be merry … together.

by Marianne Gopalkrishna
Only other writers can empathize with the ups and downs of this arduous profession. We get to hear each other's stories when they're just ideas twinkling from a distance ... not sure of whether they'll turn into a real published story. 

Thanks to each of them for sharing with me this long-distance marathon of words. So proud to consider these creative, determined and talented group of writers my friends. Goodwill wishes to

  Jodi Carmichael, as unique and lively as the protagonist of her most recent middle grade novel, The Unique Lou Fox. She's always got more award-winning stories under construction.

MaryLou Driedger, teacher, traveller, blogger, best-selling author of Lost of the Prairie, and the most energetic person I know. Her most recent middle grade novel Sixties Girl is a multi-generational experience. 

Deb Froese, writer, teacher, and amazing editor. Her editing skills are like those of an empathetic surgeon ... precise and gentle. Author of the young adult novel Out of the Fire, also available in German, along with a more recent picture book. 

Interlake Magic by Christina Janz

Christina Janz, writer, and multi-talented artist. She can refinish furniture into pieces of art.  It's just a matter of time before her adventures of two crazy old women bumbling about rural England find a home. 

Mel Matheson, artist, book designer, author and soon an MFA graduate.  Her picture book, Hokey Dowa Gerda and the Snowflake Girl, received Manitoba's best picture book award back in 2015.

Pat Trottier, teacher, writer and advocate for epilepsy support. Pat's tenacity shines in her non-fiction support book for new teachers, Relationships Make the Difference.

Larry Verstraete, teacher, non-fiction author and middle grade novelist. He's also a dog-lover as his two most recent novels featuring a dachshund named, Coop.

 Coop for Keeps came out in this past spring.  Coop's first adventure story, Coop the Great, got picked up by Germany's Little Tiger Verlag. 

Write on!

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