Imagine 2025!

IMAGINE my word for 2025. Thanks to John Lennon for saying it so succinctly, back in 1971. Imagine a world of peace. And let’s never stop sharing our imaginations through novels, song, dance, art and theatre. Imagine.

I guess that’s why I’ll continue to write. It’s my way to imagine. 

Grateful to have ‘imagined’ the five books that I’ve written over the last ten years. They’ve helped me to understand my family’s past in order that I could better understand my own present. And I guess that’s why I write and why I read … to understand. It’s through research and imagination that I’ve been able to create. 

10 years of imagination

Red Stone (aka The Kulak’s Daughter) focused on an 11-year-old kulak girl exiled from her family farm in present-day Ukraine. The series goes full circle in Waltraut when an 11-year-old immigrant girl in Canada finds the courage to tell her story.

We’re all stories. We all have inciting incidents, page turning plots or sagging middles, and we’re all searching for that soul-satisfying conclusion. 

Wishing us all understanding through imagination. 

 Imagine there’s no countries … 

Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too

Imagine all the people

Livin’ life in peace


You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope someday you’ll join us

And the world will live as one
                                                                                                     John Lennon, 1971

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