Background Reading

Supplemental Reading for Crow Stone  (set in  East Prussia/ USSR in 1945-1947)

Applebaum, Anne. Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-1956. Doubleday. 2012.

Bacque, James. Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-50. Talon Books. 2007.

Dallin, David. Forced Labour in the Soviet Union. Octagon Press. 1975.

Douglas, R.M. Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War. Yale University Press. 2012.

Duffy, Christopher. Red Storm on the Reich. The Soviet March on Germany. 1945. Castle, Revised Edition. 2002.

Eaton, Nicole. German Blood, Slavic Soil. How Nazi Königsberg became Soviet Kaliningrad. Cornell University Press. 2023.

Egremont, Max. Forgotten Land: Journeys Among the Ghosts of East Prussia. Farrar Strauss Giroux. 2012 (First published 2011).

Kerr, Philip. The Winter Horses. Knopf Books for Young People. 2014. (NOVEL)

Koschorrek, Günter K. Blood Red Snow: The Memoirs of a German Solider on the Eastern Front. Zenith Press. 2005. (First published in 1998).

Nesaule, Agate. A Woman in Amber: Healing the Trauma of War and Exile.  Penguin Books. 1997 (First published in 1995 as Frau in Bernstein).

Pausewang, Gudrun. (Translated by Rachel Ward.)  Traitor. Carolrhoda Books. 2006. (First published 1995 as Die Verräterin).  (NOVEL)

Polian, Pavel. Against Their Will: The History and Geography of Forced Migrations in the USSR. Central European University Press. 2003.

Roeder, Giselle. We Don’t Talk About That. Friesen Press. 2014. 

Sarles, Marina, Gottlieb. The Last Daughter of Prussia. Wild River Books. 2013. (NOVEL)

Sepetys, Ruta. Salt to the Sea. Philomel Books. 2006. (NOVEL)

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. Prussian Nights: A Poem.  Farrar. Straus and Giroux, 1974.

Urban, Luise. East of the Oder: A German Childhood Under the Nazis and Soviets. The History Press. 2013.

Wheelaghan, Marianne. The Blue Suitcase. Pilrig Press. 2013. (NOVEL)

Zayas de, Alfred. A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans. St. Martin’s Griffen. 2006 (first published 1994).

For readers interested in Soviet Union repression: (Background to The Kulak's Daughter/Red Stone and Broken Stone)

Nonfiction works:

Alexievich, Svetlana. Secondhand Time, The last of the Soviets. Random House. 2016.

Amis, Martin. Koba the Dread, Laughter and the Twenty Million. Alfred A. Knopf. 2002.

Applebaum, Anne. Red Famine, Stalin's War on Ukraine. Signal. 2017.

Applebaum, Anne. Iron Curtain. Signal. 2012.

Applebaum, Anne. Gulag, A History of the Soviet Camps. Doubleday. 2003.

Berkhoff, Karel C. Harvest of Despair, Life and Death in Ukraine under Nazi Rule. Belknap Press. 2004.

Brown, Kate. A Biography of No Place. From Ethnic Borderland to Soviet Heartland. Harvard University Press. 2003. 

Däs, Nelly. Gone Without a Trace. German-Russian Women in Exile. Translated from the German by Nancy Bernhardt Holland. American Historical Society. 2001.

Epp, Marlene. Women Without Men, Mennonite Refugees of the Second World War. University of Toronto Press. 2000.

Figes, Orlando. The Whisperers, Private Life in Stalin's Russia. Metropolitan Books. 2007.

Gregory, Paul. Women of the Gulag. Portraits of Five Remarkable Lives. Hoover Institution Press. 2013.

Grossman, Vasily. Everything Flows. Translated from the Russian by Robert and Elizabeth Chandler with Anna Aslanyan. New York Review Books. 2009.

Miller, Donald. In the Midst of Wolves. A History of German Baptists in Volhnynia, Russia 1863-1943. Multnomah Printing. 2000.

Miller, Donald. Under Arrest. Repression of the Russian Germans in the Zhitomir Region, Ukraine in the 1930s. Volhyn. 2004.

Miller, Donald. The Old Country. Real Life Stories by those who have their Roots in Volhynia, Russia (Ukraine). Volhyn. 2006.

Miller, Donald. Those Who Were Left BehindThe deportation and fate of my family in the Soviet Union. Hillsboro, Oregon. 2011.

Miller, Donald. Miller Country. A Brief Chronology of My Family Spanning Eight Generations, 1770-2014. 2014.

Polian, Pavel. Against Their Will: The History and Geography of Forced Migrations in the USSRCentral European University Press. 2004.

Sullivan, Rosemary. Stalin's Daughter. The Extraordinary and Tumultuous Life of Svetlana Aliluyeva. Harper Collins. 2015.

Synder, Timothy. Bloodlands. Europe Between Hitler and Stalin. Basic Books. 2010.

Viola, Lynn. The Unknown Gulag. The Lost World of Stalin's Special Settlements. Oxford University Press. 2007. 

Vossler, Ronald. We'll Meet Again in Heaven. Germans in the Soviet Union Write Their American Relatives, 1925-1937. Germans from Russia Heritage Collection. 2001.

Fiction (and Memoir):

Bergen, Henry. Four Years Less a Day. A WWII Refugee Story. Trafford Pub. 2006.

Birdsell, Sandra. The Russländer. McClelland & Stewart. 2001.

Hautzig, Esther. The Endless Steppe. A Girl in Exile. Scholastic. 1968.

Kiljanski, Stefan. Wartime. A Handful of Memories. 2007.

Komarnisky, Mila. Wretched Land. Savant Books. 2011.

Lescheid, Helen Grace. Lead, Kindly LightA Mother's Escape from Communist Russia during World War II. The Inspiring True Story of Agnes Loewen. Pleasant Word Pub. 1999,

Lupescud, Dudycz, Valya. The Silence of Trees. Wolfsword Press. 2010.

Montefiore, Simon. Sashenka. McArthur & Co. 2008.

Smith, Rob, Tom. Child 44. Grand Central Publishing. 2008.

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. The Gulag Archipelago. Harper and Row. 1974.

Trimpolis, Peter. My Rocky Road of Life. Derksen Printers. 2000.

German Language:

Allilujewa, Swetlana. 20 Briefe an einen Freund. Verlag Fritz Molden. 1967.

Arburg, von Adrian. Kostjaschow, Jurij. Lachauer, Ulla. Rutsch, Hans-Dieter. Schlanstein, Beate. Schulz, Frank. Als die Deutschen weg waren: Was nach der Vertreibung geschah: Ostpreussen, Schlesien, Sudetenland. Rowohlt Taschenbuch. 2007.

Clough, Patricia. In lange Reihe über das Haff: Die Flucht der Trakehner aus Ostpreussen. Dt Taschenbuch. 2006. (First published in 2004).

Exner, Helmut. Die Frauen von Janowka. Eine Wolhynische Familiengeschichte. EPV. 2010.

Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. First published in 1925.

Karner, Stefan. Im Archipel Gupvi: Kriegsgefangenschaft und Internierung in der Sowjetunion 1941-1956. Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 1995.

Klier, Freya. Verschleppt ans Ende der Welt. Schicksale deutscher Frauen in sowjetischen Arbeitslagern. Ullstein Taschenbuch. 2000.

Konsalik, Heinz. Russische Sinfonie. Hestia Verlag. 1962. 

Kossert, Andreas. Damals in Ostpreussen: Der Untergang einer deutschen Provinz. Dt. Verlag. 2008.

Kossert, Andreas. Ostpreussen Geschichte einer historischen Landschaft. C.H.Beck Verlag. 2014.

Lehndorff, Hans Graf von. Menschen, Pferde, weites Land. Dtv. 1983.

Linke, Maria/Hunt, Ruth. Ostwind. Eine Frau erlebt Gottes Nähe in Stalins Lagern. 1978. (Originally published as Eastwind, Zondervan Publishing, 1976.)

Lorenz, Hilke. Weil der Krieg Unsere Seelen frisst. List Taschenbuch. 2014. 

Mitika, Herbert. Meine Brüder hast du ferne von mir Getan. Einhausen, Atelier: Hübner Druckerei und Verlag. 1983.

Pausewang, Gudrun. Ich war dabei. Carlsen Verlag. 2007.

Peter, Erwin/Alexander E. Epifanow. Stalin’s Kriegsgefangene. Leopold Stocker Verlag. 1997.

Pieklakiewicz, Janusz. Pferd und Reiter im II. Weltkrieg. Südwest Publishing. 1981.

Reski, Petra. Ein Land So Weit. List Taschenbuch. 2002.

Saß, Barbara. Es begann in Federowka. Roman. Fouqué Literaturverlag. 2001. 

Stark, Meinhard. Frauen im Gulag. Weltbild. 2003.

Weber, Reinhart. Mit Jesus bis Sibirien. R. Brockhaus Verlag, 1975. 


Inside the Rainbow. Russian Children's Literature 1920-1935: Beautiful Books, Terrible Times. Edited by Julian Rothenstein and Olga Budashevskaya. Forward by Philip Pullman. Redstone Press. 2013.

Russia. Time Life Books, 1965.

Richardson Paul, Grebennikova, Nadya. Resilience. Life Stories of Centenarians Born in the Year of the Revolution. Russian Life Books. 2018.

Favourite Books on Writing:

Gilbert, Elizabeth. Big Magic. Creative Living Beyond Fear. Bloomsbury. 2015.

Maass, Donald. The Emotional Craft of Fiction. How to Write the Story Beneath the Surface. Writer's Digest Books. 2016

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